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Your Indian Cinematographer London

Wedding preparations can be very daunting, planning, rehearsing, and ensuring you have contingencies in place are all key to a successful day. Doing all three will keep you at ease and eliminate anxiety levels.

Planning a Wedding

Always plan, if you are having budget constraints, you can do all the plans yourself. Keep it simple, you do not need to be a wiz at using Microsoft Project. Make a simple table with three columns, you can use the following three headings:

1) Vendor (include details of your vendor under this column, including a telephone number, alternative mobile number, and role, for example, caterer).

2) Second column, should be Time, always keep a contingency in place and plan. If your caterer is due to arrive at 12pm, reserve the team for 11am so if there are any disruptions on the day, you can expect them to arrive on time.

3) Final column should be Follow-Up, in this section you can add notes, contact the vendor at least two weeks prior to your event and walk-through the day and ensure they have all the details they need. You can ensure your notes are dated and then add further notes on your wedding day to say you have completed the task and your vendor is here. (You can nominate a go to person to take care of all this and write up the follow-up notes). In the notes, you can also include if the vendor has been paid or has remaining payments due.

If you do have a good budget in place, be sure to contact Snob Events, they plan some of the most illustrious weddings in UK and abroad.


Your Indian wedding is one of the most prominent days of your lives, ensure your vendors know what to do, this should all form part of your rehearsals. So, what do we exactly mean when we say “rehearsals”. Well, rehearsals is not just practising your first dance or a speech, you need to ensure each vendor knows what they are doing and this is also part of your rehearsals. For example, a month before your big day, arrange a Skype call with your Indian wedding cinematographer, Indian catering company and decor team. Include all other vendors who will take part in your wedding, so for example the Florist. Once the meeting has been arranged, go through the event in intricate detail, keep good faith in your expert vendors as they are the best in their chosen field. However, walk-through the day and tell them everything, this will give them an opportunity and plan their roles on the day.

As well as ensuring vendors are kept informed and you can also rehearse your roles. Indian weddings can be long, full of ceremonies and surprises! Make sure everyone knows what is going on and keep them well informed. You can rehearse your entrance, speech and even how you greet your guests. This will keep you calm and relaxed during your beautiful Indian wedding.


Always keep a plan B, make sure you have a back-up plan. Indian weddings can be full of lots of surprises so make sure you have as many contingencies in place as you can. Keep alternative contact details for different suppliers and although it is highly unlikely for the worst to happen, just make sure you have a plan B.

We wish you all the success in planning your Indian Wedding, I hope you found the blog post useful for your big day. If you are looking for an expert Indian Cinematographer London, you can view some of our amazing work here.

Best wishes,


Bride sitting on a bench and posing for a shoot.
Indian Cinematographer London

*Please note, the ideas presented in the blog are given as examples you can use during your wedding day or for any ceremonies. Film Art Pictures Cinematography will not be responsible for loss of money or in any form if incurred using the methods presented above. Please use your own judgement when planning your events. The information presented above is there to help you with your wedding events and to provide some planning ideas.

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